Results: 1-20 of 103

No.Document TitleIDUpdatedViews
1Honorlock Troubleshooting1075412024-04-1718081
2Closed Captioning Request Form935342024-02-131887
3Canvas - Creating and Replying to Discussions889512024-02-136991
4CANVAS - Preparing Courses for the Start of the Semester975962024-02-053950
5Setting Up Honorlock1124262024-01-301623
6Honorlock - Canvas Proctoring Tool1057282024-01-123619
7Canvas Quiz Creation - Tips & Suggestions1038962024-01-112751
8Launching a Third-Party Quiz with Honorlock Enabled1137152024-01-111785
9CANVAS - How to remove an old course from your Dashboard1238202023-12-132039
10CANVAS - Why can't I find my course?1201782023-12-131970
11Classroom Technology - Live Stream vs. Web Conference1202522023-12-131391
12Canvas - Hiding the People Tab From Course Navigation Bar1332502023-12-07123
13Microsoft Tools & Virtual Lab Information1186032023-10-103042
14Canvas & Online Student Resources835732023-10-0213982
15Adding Honorlock to Your Canvas Course1130642023-09-211516
16How to Share Individual YuJa Videos1140002023-09-112325
17How to prepare your technology for the start of the semester1209972023-09-06856
18CANVAS - Help! My Course Dashboard won't load!1203922023-08-215769
19How To Share Multiple YuJa Videos at a Time1303092023-08-14340
20CANVAS - Groups vs. Sections1202202023-08-081858
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