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Topics Map > Office 365

Microsoft Tools & Virtual Lab Information

This article contains information on how to access/download Microsoft Tools as well as how to access the UW-Parkside Virtual Computer Lab from on and/or off campus.

Office 365

Office 365 is a cloud service from Microsoft provided to all UW-Parkside students free of charge. It allows access to a variety of Microsoft applications, such as PowerPoint, Word, Excel, among others.
It provides 1 TB of cloud storage via OneDrive and faculty, staff, and students can download up to 5 copies of office 365 for use on personal computers.

Project Professional 

Project Professional is available for download/install to all students via Microsoft's Azure Dev Tools, which provides tools to students to expand their study of software development and testing. Some of these tools include such technologies as Project Professional, Access, Visio Professional, Visual Studio, and much more. Important information for Mac users: Since MS Project was designed and optimized specifically for the Windows OS, it is not compatible with the Mac OS. In order to use MS Project on a Mac, please see the virtual computer lab information below.
NOTE: In order to access the instructions linked below, please log into the "internal" knowledgebase by clicking on the "KB Internal" link located on the upper right.

UW-Parkside Virtual Computer Lab

The UW-Parkside Virtual Computer Lab provides students access to academic software through a web browser and an Internet connection. The lab is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
Available software includes MS Project Professional [v.2019], SPSS, RStudio, Tableau, Python, VMware, and more.

Microsoft Tools & Virtual Lab Information - Canvas Resource Course

All of the information contained in this knowledgebase article is also available as a Canvas resource course, which can be added to your Canvas Dashboard for easy reference from semester to semester. 

Image of Microsoft Tools & Virtual Lab Information - Canvas Course Card/Image

To access the resource course, click on the Course Card Image above.

Note: To view instructions on how to add this resource course to your Canvas Dashboard, from within the course, click on the Add to Dashboard link located on the Course Navigation
Image of Canvas course navigation

Keywordsvirtual lab canvas project visio access microsoft tools cloud download word sharepoint student msvl techbarstudent   Doc ID118603
OwnerLinda W.GroupUW Parkside
Created2022-05-19 11:02:46Updated2023-10-10 09:05:54
SitesUW Parkside
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