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Creating & Scanning a Printable Bubble Sheet in Akindi

Here are the steps to creating a printable Akindi bubble sheet for a classroom test assessment.
Akindi is a tool that allows instructors to create their own printable bubble sheets for course quizzes & exams. After students fill out these bubble sheets, the instructor scans them back in with a scanner and uploads them to Akindi to auto-grade the bubble sheets. This can also be used to add their exam grades to the Canvas gradebook. 

Before The Exam 
1. Launch Akindi from your Canvas course. You'll need to add Akindi to your Canvas course if you have not already done so. The steps can be found at the following KB page: Adding Akindi to a Canvas Course.

2. Click the Create Assessment button on the upper right of the page. 
Click the Create Assessment button

3. Fill in your exam information such as the exam title. Select the Paper assessment type. Click Save & Continue when you're done.
Note: Akindi does have an option for online assessments, but it's recommended that you stick with one of the two Canvas quiz tools for online quizzes & exams.Select your assessment options before moving on to selecting the answers.

4. Fill in the correct answers for your questions by clicking on the corresponding letter bubbles. Click Continue once you've finished.

5. Click Print Bubble Sheets to open a printable blank version to hand out to your students in the classroom. Print however many copies that you'll need.

Click print bubble sheets to create a printable version of your answer bubble sheets.

Any assessments you create for that course will appear on the page that first loaded when you launched the Akindi website. You can edit the answer key, print more blank bubble sheets, or upload the completed bubble sheet PDFs on this page. More information on that can be found below.

Once you create an assessment, it will show up on the Akindi landing page. You can edit the exam, print blank sheets, and upload the copies at this page.

After The Exam

1. After students have taken the quiz, use a scanner to scan their bubble sheets back into the computer. They should be saved as PDF files.

2. Launch the Akindi website from Canvas like you did when you created the bubble sheet. Any assessments you've created for that course should be listed on that first page (pictured above).

3. Click the Upload Response Sheets button for that assessment (the orange button in the picture above). Locate and upload the scanned PDFs from your computer. Tip: You can upload multiple files at a time. Hold control/command to select multiple files

4. Resolve any problems that Akindi finds with student responses. That would include things such as not being able to recognize the student's name from the class roster or what to do if a student answered more questions than were on the exam.

5. Export your student grades back into Canvas. Click View Results in the box next to where you uploaded the PDF scans. There will be a Send Grades to Canvas button on the results page. You can also use these results as a basis to manually enter grades into your Canvas gradebook. (Akindi Guide – Sending Grades to Your LMS)

KeywordsAkindi test exam quiz bubble scantron Canvas   Doc ID113508
OwnerSteve S.GroupUW Parkside
Created2021-09-08 09:13:28Updated2022-07-06 16:00:39
SitesUW Parkside
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