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SharePoint Online: How to Sign Into SharePoint

This article contains information on how to access/log into your UW-Parkside SharePoint account as well as a brief overview of the SharePoint start page.

Navigate to the UW-Parkside Logins page.

[Login Options] 

Option 1: From the logins page, click on the SharePoint link > log in using your UW-Parkside NetID and Password.

Image of UWP Logins page with red arrow pointing the SharePoint link

Option 2: From the logins page, click on Rangermail > log in using your UW-Parkside NetID and Password.

Image of UW-Parkside Rangermail login button

In the upper left corner of the window, select the App Launcher > SharePoint.

Image of Office 365 App Launcher icon with red arrow pointing to the SharePoint icon

The SharePoint Start Page

The SharePoint Start Page is a central location that shows you relevant content from all the SharePoint sites that you have access to at UW-Parkside. From here, you can easily get to the sites that you are following, frequently visit, or have recently visited. This page also lets you search for content across all the SharePoint sites that you may have access to.

On the start page Left Navigation you'll find links to your items, i.e., files or sites that you created. 

Image of SharePoint start page left navigation

The section to the right of the left navigation consists of the following items: Following, Recent, & Featured Links

Image of SharePoint Start Page; Following, Recent, and Featured Links pane

How to follow or unfollow a site

To follow or unfollow a site from the SharePoint start page, navigate to the upper right corner of the selected SharePoint site tile and click on the Star icon.

GIF image of follow/unfollow process that is detailed in the written instructions

  • The hollow star icon indicates an unfollowed site, click to follow the site.
  • The solid star icon indicates a followed site, click to unfollow the site.

Note: Whenever a user creates a site in SharePoint, they will automatically follow the site by default. You can also follow or unfollow a site by visiting it directly.

Keywordssharepoint, online, login, access, office 365, spo,   Doc ID119013
OwnerLinda W.GroupUW Parkside
Created2022-06-14 10:01:27Updated2022-06-15 10:30:25
SitesUW Parkside
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