Topics Map > Campus Technology
Topics Map > Learning Technology > Canvas
Canvas & Online Student Resources
Canvas Support
Canvas is Parkside's learning management system.
Canvas has Tier 1 Support: Canvas Help is available 24/7, 365 days a year. This support is located under the Help button on the far left navigation bar (shown below):

Click on the help button on the sidebar in Canvas to reach Canvas support
Canvas Service Level Agreement
Support Response Time (80% within time shown)
- Email: 1 hour
- Phone call: 60 seconds
- Live chat: 120 seconds
Additional Canvas resources include:
- Canvas Guides
- Canvas Student Training Course - all students can self-enroll in the Canvas Student Training Course, which will appear on your Course Dashboard on the homepage of Canvas once you enroll. This course will walk you through all of the different features of Canvas. You can self-enroll into the course by clicking here.
New to Canvas?
Enroll in the Self-Paced Training Course.
You can also view the Canvas Student Interactive Tutorial here:
NetTutor / PARC

The Parkside Academic Resource Center (PARC) offers one-on-one assistance to students in need of tutoring. The PARC covers a variety of disciplines and offers support for students on campus. NetTutor is the online tutoring service available within Canvas to all currently enrolled UW-Parkside students. Click on the following link for information on how to access NetTutor through Canvas:
Tech Bar
The TechBar is available Monday - Friday, 7:45 AM - 4:30 PM. During the Fall and Spring semesters, the Tech Bar is open 7:45 AM - 4:30 PM Monday - Thursday, 7:45 AM - 8:00 PM. The TechBar can be reached at, or by phone at (262) 595-2444.
Library Research Help
The Parkside Library offers thousands of books, articles and more for research and we are always happy to assist through chat or email: / phone: (262) 595-2238.
Accessibility Resources
The University of Wisconsin-Parkside seeks to ensure that courses offered at the university are fully accessible for all students. If you would like to register with UW-Parkside Accessibility Services to receive academic accommodations, please contact Accessibility Services via phone at 262-595-2372.