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Best practice for uploading a video to Canvas

Kaltura is the video portal for UW-Parkside. Instructors, students, and staff can use it to upload, store, and share (or restrict) videos in Canvas. Because Kaltura is an integrated platform, uploaded media content does not affect Canvas course file size limitation.

How to upload videos

There are two ways to upload videos through Canvas:

  1. My Media
  2. The Rich Content Editor (RCE) in any Page, Assignment, Discussion, etc.

A) Upload via My Media

1) Log into Canvas.

2) Click on the Account icon, located on the main navigation.

3) Click on the My Media link. 

Image of Canvas Account menu with My Media selected

4) On the My Media page, click on Add New > Media Upload

Kaltura Add New menu, with Media Upload selected.

5) On the Upload Media page, click on Choose a file to upload, then browse your computer to select a video file. Note: Upload time will depend on bandwidth and file size.

Kaltura screen with "Choose a file to upload" button highlighted

6) Once your video has finished uploading, fill out the metadata for your video: Name, Description, Tags, etc. 

7) Click Save.

B) Upload via Canvas Page, Assignment, Discussion, etc.

1) Click Edit or Reply (for a Discussion post) to open the text editing view.

2) In the Rich Content Editor, click the asterisk-shaped My Media button (or click the electrical plug-shaped Apps icon > View All > My Media).

Kaltura Rich Content Editor with the My Media and Apps icons highlighted.

3) Continue with steps 4-7 listed above.

Additional Resources:

How to Embed a Kaltura video to a Canvas Page, Assignment, or Discussion

Kaltura Resources on the UWP Knowledgebase

Keywordsvideo, canvas, content, media, kaltura,   Doc ID121791
OwnerLinda W.GroupUW Parkside
Created2022-10-11 08:39:36Updated2022-10-11 11:28:11
SitesUW Parkside
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