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Canvas - Zoom FAQ''s

This article contains frequently asked questions about using Zoom in Canvas for instructors.

How do I schedule a Zoom meeting in my Canvas course?

  1. Log into Canvas and navigate to the selected course.
  2. From the Course Navigation, click on the Zoom link.
  3. Click the Schedule a New Meeting button. To learn more about scheduling meetings, visit the Scheduling Meetings guide in the Zoom Help Center.
  4. To schedule a recurring meeting, click the Recurring Meeting checkbox. You can set how often the meeting recurs, the number of meeting occurrences, and the date for the final occurrence.
    Note: When scheduling a recurring meeting, each occurrence is created as an independent event. To modify all recurring meetings, you must edit each meeting individually.

How do I start a Zoom meeting?

  1. From the Course Navigation, click the Zoom link.
  2. Click the Upcoming Meetings button.
  3. Locate the Meeting ID you want to begin > click the Start button.

How do I know if students have joined the meeting?
As the host, the number of participants displays in the number icon on the Manage Participants button. You can also manage participants in a meeting.

Keywordscanvas zoom web conferencing video conference schedule meeting   Doc ID119950
OwnerLinda W.GroupUW Parkside
Created2022-07-27 13:42:56Updated2022-07-27 14:43:26
SitesUW Parkside
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