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Copyrighted Media in YuJa Livestreams

In some cases, digital video & audio content may have copyright protections built into it. This page details how that can affect YuJa livestreams.
Image example of HDCP copyright protected green screen

High-bandwidth Digital Content Protection
(HDCP) is a type of copyright protection that can be built-in to digital video and audio content. Broadcasting copyrighted media, whether it's livestreamed or recorded, reproduces unauthorized copies of that content, so HDCP protections can automatically disable online streaming of that media. You should still be able to play the media in the classroom over the projector/screen, but the HDCP protection will prevent it from directly playing over the YuJa broadcast in these situations. 
Keep in mind that a majority of Blu-Rays and movies will have HDCP protections built-in.

If content is HDCP-enabled, YuJa's copyright protection will generally manifest in one of two ways over the broadcast: The media video feed will either turn a bright solid green or will disappear entirely until the copyrighted media is stopped. The classroom's webcam feed will still remain active even if copyrighted content is playing over the projector/screen. The media will still be viewable through the webcam's view, but the direct media feed will be blocked from streaming. 

There have been some cases where screen mirroring a MacBook with the classroom's USB-C cable will automatically trigger the HDCP green screen response over the broadcast, the MacBook itself, and the classroom projector/screen. If you see the green screen appearing over the classroom projector/screen, please contact

KeywordsYuja HDCP copyright livestream broadcast live stream webcam bluray green screen   Doc ID113872
OwnerSteve S.GroupUW Parkside
Created2021-09-23 11:09:40Updated2022-02-28 15:46:54
SitesUW Parkside
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