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Launching a Third-Party Quiz with Honorlock Enabled

The Honorlock startup process differs depending on which platform your quiz is built in. This page shows how to launch your Honorlock-enabled quiz when it's created in a third-party quiz tool.

Just like any other Honorlock-enabled quizzes, you will need to be using Google Chrome on a Windows, Mac, or Chromebook computer. Remember that you can click the chat bubble icon on any Honorlock page to get 24/7 chat support from an Honorlock representative if you need assistance.

  1. Open the Honorlock page in your course. Find the quiz on the page and click the Launch button. Follow the on-screen instructions.

    •You cannot directly open third-party quizzes (such as from the Assignments or Grades pages) since you will be locked out of the quiz. If you don't see your quiz listed on the Honorlock page, it's either built in a Canvas quiz tool and therefore should be directly opened from another page in the course, or the quiz is not currently available to be taken and therefore is not visible to students.
    Go to the Honorlock page in your course and launch the quiz from there.
  2. After completing the required start-up steps (such as launching screen recording or a student ID scan), it will show a link to open your quiz assignment. Click on this to launch the quiz in a new tab, at which point it should automatically input the quiz password for you, starting the quiz. If it doesn't automatically take you through the password screen, you may need to click your mouse cursor in the password text box, switch to the proctoring window (the smaller browser pane that you used to go through the start-up process), and click the Insert password button.
    When you reach the quiz password screen, click Proctor Window and press the Click Here to Insert Password button.

  3. After you've submitted your quiz, click Exit Honorlock on the bottom-right of the browser window to close Honorlock.

KeywordsHonorlock Third Party Quiz Student Launch Exam Proctoring   Doc ID113715
OwnerSteve S.GroupUW Parkside
Created2021-09-15 14:30:10Updated2024-01-11 17:03:44
SitesUW Parkside
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