CommonSpot: How to Upload and Link New Documents

Learn how to upload and link new documents to CommonSpot. This article will cover two ways to accomplish this. Documents that can be uploaded include MS Word, MS PowerPoint, Adobe PDF and others.

Upload & Link Option 1:

(Best option if uploading multiple documents)


Follow the below steps to Upload…

-  Click New > Uploaded Document from the My CommonSpot primary menu bar.

CommonSpot primary menu bar - New menu

-  From the Upload New Document window, choose the subsite where your document will reside and whether you want to upload single or multiple documents.

Upload New Document window - subsite

-  Single Document:

o   Click the Upload Single Document link.

o   For the Local Filename, browse to find the document you want to upload, click Open

o   Enter the remaining standard properties (Title, Category, Publication and Expiration Date), click Save. Note: be sure to choose ‘Other Documents’ as the category.

Upload New Document window

-  Multiple Documents:

o   Click the Upload Multiple Documents link.

o   Click the Add File link, then Browse to find the document you want to upload, click Open. Repeat steps until all documents are added.

o   Click the Upload Document(s) link, a prompt will appear giving the upload status.  If successful, click Next.

Upload Multiple Documents window

o   From the My Pending Uploaded Documents window, enter the Title and Description for each document. 

o   Select the checkboxes next to each document and click the Enter Properties link.  Note: If selecting multiple documents at once, these properties will apply to all that were checked.  

My Pending Uploaded Documents window

o   Enter the requested standard properties (Category, Publication & Expiration Date) - make sure to choose ‘Other Documents for the category.  Click Save.

Upload New Documents window

o   Click to Close the Upload Status window confirming successful upload.

Follow the below steps to Link…

-  Open the page you want to link a document to in author mode (View > Work on this Page). Note: documents must be uploaded before you can link, be sure to follow the above steps before proceeding to link.

-  Click on the Formatted Text Block element action icon (gear), choose Text to open the Rich Text Editor.  

Formatted Text Block context menu

-  In the editable region of the editor, enter the text that will be used to link your document.

-  Highlight the text and choose the Link icon from the toolbar.

Link Icon

-  From the Insert Formatted Text Block Link window, observe 3 tabs - Link Action, Mouseover Action, and Link Opening Properties

Insert Formatted Text Block Link window

o   From the Link Action tab:

§  Click the Type drop down menu and choose Uploaded Document

·         If the document was uploaded to the same subsite as the page you are on, click the Choose from current subsite button, select the document from the list and click the Use Highlighted Content link.

·         If the document is not located in the same subsite, click Quick Find, enter search criteria, and click Search.  From the Choose Uploaded Document – Search Results window, select the document from the list and click the Use Highlighted Content link.

§  Clicking the Link Display drop down menu changes how the link looks, however, we do not recommend making any changes, please leave default.

o   From the Mouseover Action tab:

§  We do not recommend making any changes to these properties, please leave default.

o   From the Link Opening Properties tab:

§  Choose how your link is opened, by default it is set to ‘Open link in current window, replacing current page’, you can leave this default or change to ‘Open link in a new tab or window’.

-  Click Save.

-  Click Save to close out of the Formatted Text Block window.

-  Click orange Preview button in upper right corner and test your new link. 

Preview button


Upload & Link Option 2:

(Best option if only need to upload single document)

-  Open the page you want to link a document to in author mode (View > Work on this Page).

-  Click on the Formatted Text Block element action icon (gear), choose Text to open the Rich Text Editor.  

Formatted Text Block context menu

-  In the editable region of the editor, enter the text that will be used to link your document.

-  Highlight the text and choose the Link icon from the toolbar. 

Link icon

-  From the Insert Formatted Text Block Link window, observe 3 tabs- Link Action, Mouseover Action, and Link Opening Properties

  Insert Formatted Text Block Link window

  o   From the Link Action tab:

§  Click the Type drop down menu and choose New Uploaded Document.

§  If needed, you can change the Destination Subsite for where the document will be uploaded. (Click Change, choose subsite, Click Next).

§  Clicking the Link Display drop down menu changes how the link looks, however, we do not recommend making any changes, please leave default.

o   From the Mouseover Action tab:

§  We do not recommend making any changes to these properties, please leave default.

o   From the Link Opening Properties tab:

§  Choose how your link is opened, by default it is set to ‘Open link in current window, replacing current page’, you can leave this default or change to ‘Open link in a new tab or window’.

-  Click Next.

-  For the Local Filename, browse to find the document you want to upload, click Open.

-  Enter the remaining standard properties (Title, Category, Publication and Expiration Date), click Save.  Note: be sure to choose ‘Other Documents’ as the category.

Upload New Document window

-  Click Save to close out of the Formatted Text Block window.

-  Click orange Preview button in upper right corner and test your new link. 

Preview button

*See related KB article - 'How to Upload New Versions of Existing Documents'.

Check out the How To video:

Note: when uploading a document into CommonSpot, it keeps the file name which becomes the link.  If you upload additional documents with the same name, it will append _1, _2, etc.  You are not replacing a document by uploading it again.  If you need to replace an existing document, see KB article “How to Upload New Version of Existing Document’. 

KeywordsCommonSpot, website, upload documents, link documents   Doc ID64516
OwnerMatthew G.GroupUW Parkside
Created2016-06-28 10:43:30Updated2021-08-09 08:58:32
SitesUW Parkside
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