Turnitin Draft Coach - Grammar Guide

The Draft Coach Grammar Guide will detect any potential grammatical issues in your writing. A summary will be shown, and a list of all issues will appear below.

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Select Show Details to reveal a summary of your issues. The four Issue categories that Grammar Guide uses to search against:

  • Grammar - The basic structure of language, in this case, US-English.

  • Mechanics - Language rules regarding the use of punctuation, capitalization, and spacing.

  • Usage - How and when to use words and their variations based on the context. Focuses more on the meaning of the word rather than the mechanics.

  • Structure - The arrangement of words, phrases, and clauses to make up a sentence.

Turnitin does not search for spelling mistakes (usually falls under the Mechanics category), but it may detect some suspected typos.


 Grammar Guide Information

If the same grammatical error is detected more than once, we will gather each instance together and allow you to navigate between each one. There are three instances of a missing comma in this example. decorative image



Select the issue card to expand it. Here, Grammar Guide will explain why the issue was highlighted, and a description of the grammatical rule will be included underneath.


A snippet of your writing will be provided to help you locate where the specific issue has been detected. Grammar Guide will also pinpoint in bold exactly where it has found the issue.

Use the arrows provided to navigate to the next issue of this type.

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Select Show Examples to reveal examples of the grammar rule being used correctly. Use these insights to help you correct your own writing.




Select Hide Examples to remove the examples from view.


 What can I do with the information included in my checks?

Use the information in your Grammar Guide to inform changes that you should make in your draft. Consider the following when viewing your Grammar Guide results:

  • Choose one specific issue to review at a time. Use the arrows within the issue tile to navigate between each instance of that specific issue found within your draft.

  • Read each issue description carefully and bear it in mind when you construct the rest of your draft or when making amendments.

  • You may determine that no revisions are necessary for a particular issue. Use the rules of the English language and your best judgment when evaluating your writing.

  • Run as many checks as you like, until you are confident with your final draft.

Keywordsturnitin draft coach grammar guide   Doc ID119488
OwnerLinda W.GroupUW Parkside
Created2022-07-08 14:56:18Updated2022-07-08 15:05:21
SitesUW Parkside
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