YuJa Video Editor - Hot Keys

The YuJa video editor supports the use of Hot Keys for convenient and accessible keyboard control.
To use any of the hot keys, press the key or keys on your keyboard at the same time. 
  • Ctrl + Z : Undo one or multiple edits. 
  • Ctrl + S: Save file. Note: The file will be saved with a new filename. 
  • Ctrl + Space: Play/Pause the media during editing. 
  • Ctrl + X: Cut content from within the media. 
  • Ctrl + >: Trim Start
  • Ctrl + <: Trim End 
  • Ctrl + ‘+’: Zoom in on the screen. 
  • Ctrl + ‘-‘: Zoom out on the screen. 
Using Undo and Save
The Undo feature allows you to undo one or more editing changes. 
Option 1: Click Undo, the backwards arrow on the Tools menu, once or multiple times to undo past operations in the Video Editor. 
Option 2: Use the hotkeys: (PC) Ctrl + Z, (MAC) CMD + Z

KeywordsYuJa video editor hot keys trim cut ctstb   Doc ID114306
OwnerLinda W.GroupUW Parkside
Created2021-10-14 10:56:50Updated2021-10-14 12:05:24
SitesUW Parkside
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