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Canvas Quiz Time Constraints

Canvas quizzes have multiple settings regarding time constraints. This page details what aspects are controlled by each individual setting.
If you need to know how to modify your existing time constraints for an individual student or group, visit the following Knowledgebase page: Extending Student Time and Granting Additional Attempts on a Canvas Quiz.

The time constraints that are necessary for a quiz will vary depending on the context of the assignment. For example, weekly homework quiz assignments may not require as much restriction as a midterm exam. One factor to consider with distance learning is that unexpected interruptions can occur, such as technical issues or family emergencies. When teaching asynchronously, we would recommend flexibility over strictness in your time constraints. It is possible to be flexible while still enforcing rigid time limits on a quiz through utilizing a combination of the time constraint settings available to you in Canvas. The only required time constraint on your quizzes or other assignments is the Due Date. The rest of the time settings are optional depending on the context of the quiz/assignment.

In the following example of quiz time settings, students would have 60 minutes to complete their quiz once they begin taking it (1). They can take it at any point starting on October 1st (3), but it will be considered late after its due date on October 10th (2). Late submissions would no longer be accepted after October 17th (4).

Time Limit Setting (1)
This determines the number of minutes a student will have to complete their quiz once they start taking it. This timer begins counting down the moment they click Begin Quiz and load the questions. The timer does not pause or stop for any reason, even if they leave the quiz page. This countdown timer will appear at the top of their quiz page, but can be minimized if they choose to do so. Once this timer runs out, their quiz attempt auto-submits regardless of how far into the quiz they got or how the rest of the time constraints are set up. If you allow students to take the quiz multiple times, this timer resets at the beginning of every attempt. This is an optional setting and is only necessary if you need to limit quiz time during of a longer availability period. 

Only add a Time Limit when necessary. If your availability window and Time Limit are nearly identical, this redundancy can cause confusion for your students as well as complicating the process for giving time extensions if they are needed. So for example, if your quiz is only set to be available during a two hour timespan, you wouldn't need to set a two hour time limit on top of it. However, if you wanted to give students two hours to complete their quiz during an availability window of three hours (or longer), then the Time Limit setting should be used.

Classic Quizzes – The Time Limit is found on the Details tab along with the rest of the quiz settings.
New Quizzes – The Time Limit is found on the Settings tab in the build page (where you add/edit the questions).

Assign Box
The Assign Box covers three separate-but-related time constraints: the Due Date, the Available From date, and the Available Until date. Quizzes and all other types of Canvas assignments use this Assign Box. The Available From and Until Dates determine the availability window for when your students will have access to their quiz. You can create separate due dates and/or availability periods on the individual student, section, or group basis by clicking the +Add bar at the bottom of the box.

Due Date (2)
The Due Date is the most important time setting and therefore is required for every graded assignment. Any assignments without a Due Date will not appear on your students' To Do lists or calendars. Students can still turn in their quizzes and assignments after the Due Date passes, but it will be marked as being late. If you would like to set your quiz so that it won't accept late assignments, then you will want your Due Date (2) and Until Dates (4) to be identical. Your Due Date has to match or be set to an earlier time than the Until Date.

Available From (3)
The Available From date determines when your students can start taking their quiz. After a quiz is published, your students will be able to see the title of the quiz along with other information such as the number of points it's worth. However, they won't be able to begin their quiz or see any questions until after the Available From date. This date and time is the start of the assignment's availability window.

Available Until (4)
The Until Date sets the end of your quiz availability windowIt determines when your students can no longer submit or view the question-by-question results of their quiz. Because of this, your Due Date has to either match or be set to an earlier time than your Until Date. 

KeywordsCanvas Time Constraint Due Date Availability Quiz Settings   Doc ID106601
OwnerSteve S.GroupUW Parkside
Created2020-10-12 13:56:00Updated2022-02-25 12:10:23
SitesUW Parkside
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