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Help Desk-Adding a Network Printer

Installing a printer off the Print Server

Installing a Network Printer

STEP 1: Click your Start Menu in the bottom left corner and type \\uwpps in your search bar and hit enter.
Start Menu
STEP 2: A list will pop up with all network printers on campus.  Double click the name of the printer that you need.
STEP 3: Open the Start Menu again and Click on Devices and Printers or search and open that from your search bar.
Devices and Printers
STEP 4: If your printer is an MFP printer then you will need to insert your copy code into the User Code Setting... (If you do not know your user code, contact your ADA or supervisor. All user codes are created by Business Services) Right-click your printer and select Printing Preferences
Printing preferences
STEP 5: In the "User Code Setting" pop-up, enter your print code
Printer codes
user code setting
Click "OK" to close the Menu
STEP 6: Click "Apply" and then "OK" to save your settings
Your user code is now setup and you are ready to print!

KeywordsAdd a printer, printer, printing, network printing, network, printer, print, print server, network print, add,   Doc ID77493
OwnerLinda W.GroupUW Parkside
Created2017-10-20 08:44:46Updated2024-07-17 15:00:27
SitesUW Parkside
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