CommonSpot: How to Add a Calendar Event

Learn how to create a calendar event.

-   Log into CommonSpot -

-   From the utility menu of the UWP site, click Manage Events (located next to Logins, Contact Us, etc). 

Utility menu - Manage Events

-   Choose Add Event under the Event Maintenance heading.

Add Event link

-    Fill out the necessary information for your event in the Add Calendar Event form, see both the Calendar and Taxonomy tabs.

-    From the Calendar tab, enter information related to your event.

Add Calendar Event form

o   Organization – by default UWP is the organization listed.

o   Date/End Date – start and end date of your event. Double-click the desired date from within the calendar icon. Note: Leave the end date blank if this is only a single day event.

o   Start Time/End Time – the start and end times of your event. Use the calendar icon to choose the time.

o   Event Title – the event title is displayed on the Events Calendar and other pages where the event will be shown.

o   Event Category – select one or more categories for the event.

o   Location – enter the building and room# for the event.

o   Address/City/State/Zip – enter the full address of the event.

o   Sponsors – enter any sponsors associated with the event.

o   Contact Name/Phone #/Email – enter the contact information for the person(s) available to answer questions about the event.

o   Website – enter the website or CommonSpot page that has additional information about the event, if there is one.

o   Description – enter details of the event, this can include images, hyperlinks, and tables.  This information will be displayed for the user when the event title is clicked on the site.

o   Show in upcoming events – uncheck or check this box, description of checkbox is in form.

-   From the Taxonomy tab, choose terms related to the event.

o   Browse Taxonomy terms related to Audience, Academic Program, Building, Event/Program, College, Office, Topic or Instructor.  Example: Choosing a building as a taxonomy term will display a widget giving visitors directions to the proper parking lot on the event’s detail page.

Add Calendar Event form - taxonomy tab

-   Click Submit, your event will now show up in the list of events on the Event Maintenance page and once approved it will show in the monthly event calendar.  Note: if you have events waiting for approval, notify your liaison.

CommonSpot, website, calendar event 
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Owned by:
Matthew G. in UW Parkside
UW Parkside