CommonSpot: How to Use Taxonomy

Learn how to use taxonomy. Taxonomy is a way of classifying or categorizing; it gives the ability to help find your webpage amongst other similar pages when running a search. Make sure to select one or more pre-defined UWP taxonomy terms for your page.

Taxonomy terms can be chosen when creating news articles, adding a calendar event, and more.  Note: Taxonomy category choices will differ slightly depending on where it is being used such as a new page vs a calendar event page.

Examples of Taxonomy… 

-  From the Taxonomy window (for a new page), choose from Academic Program, Audience, Building, College, Department and/or Topic for classification of your page.  

-  Click Browse Taxonomy for any of the categories you want to use and then choose from a list of pre-defined terms.  For this article we will choose the Academic Program and Building for examples. 

Taxonomy windows

-  Once choices have been made for taxonomy terms, you can see your selections back in the Taxonomy window.  As seen here, selections were made for Academic Program, Audience, Building and College. 

Taxonomy window






KeywordsCommonSpot, website, taxonomy   Doc ID64572
OwnerMatthew G.GroupUW Parkside
Created2016-06-29 13:04:43Updated2021-08-09 09:07:25
SitesUW Parkside
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