Topics Map > Student Information Systems > Navigate - Faculty/Staff

Navigate - Faculty/Staff: How to generate a grade report, for a specific PACC section of a course, using V3 Reports in Navigate

Navigate instructions for faculty/staff

How to generate a grade report, for a specific PACC section of a course, using V3 Reports in Navigate

  1. After logging into Navigate, click the Reporting icon
  2. Click Standard Reports
  3. Click Student Enrollments Report
  4. Select Data Filters
    • Select Field: Enrollment Course | Condition: contains any | Value: (select course)
    • Select Field: Enrollment Section Name | Condition: contains | Value: (select or type section)
    • Select Field: Enrollment Term | Condition: is | Value: (select term)
  5. Click Run Report

KeywordsNavigate   Doc ID136517
OwnerMarie S.GroupUW Parkside
Created2024-04-02 12:01:40Updated2024-04-02 12:14:44
SitesUW Parkside
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