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Navigate - Faculty/Staff: Issue an Ad Hoc Alert

Instructions for faculty/staff


Introductory Information

Written Instructions

Screenshot Instructions

Introductory Information

Faculty and staff can issue an Ad Hoc Alert at any point throughout the year. The purpose of an Ad Hoc Alert is to raise awareness about a particular student. Issuing an Ad Hoc Alert can draw attention to the student, create a virtual referral, and prompt action from a specific person/department.

Note: Ad hoc alerts are NOT designed for immediate crisis intervention. An immediate crisis should be reported to university police or law enforcement (911). Additionally, Red Folder resources are available for faculty/staff who are responding to students in distress.

The following Ad Hoc Alert Reasons are available in Navigate:

  • Attendance Concerns or Lack of Engagement
  • Declining Academic Performance, but can pass  
  • Distressed Behavior 
  • Failing and should drop the course 
  • Non-Academic Concerns – food, finances, or personal concerns
  • Referral to tutoring   
  • Student is doing well in class 

Written Instructions

  1. Visit, Click LOGINS, Click Navigate - Faculty/Staff

  2. Click Issue an Alert

  3. Type in the student’s name

  4. Select a reason

  5. (Optional) Select a class (to associate this alert with a specific class)

  6. Type Additional Comments

  7. Click Submit

After clicking submit, a case will be auto-generated and assigned to a designated staff member. The designated staff member will contact the student to discuss their particular situation and provide resources.

Screenshot Instructions

1.Visit, Click LOGINS, Click Navigate - Faculty/Staff

screenshot instructions


2.Click Issue an Alert

Screenshot instructions


3.Type in the student’s name

screenshot instructions


4.Select a reason

screenshot instructions


5.(Optional) Select a class (to associate this alert with a specific class)

screenshot instructions


6.Type Additional Comments

screenshit instructions


7.Click Submit

screenshot instructions


Navigate - Issue an Ad Hoc Alert (instructions for faculty/staff)

KeywordsNavigate   Doc ID130519
OwnerMarie S.GroupUW Parkside
Created2023-08-22 13:29:40Updated2024-02-12 19:51:57
SitesUW Parkside
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