Topics Map > Campus Technology > Accounts and Passwords

How to Remove and re-add an Exchange account from iOS devices

Remove and re-add an Exchange account from iOS devices. This applies to devices running iOS 11 and above.
Steps for removal

1. On your iOS device, tap to open the Settings app. 
Exchange image 1

2. Tap on Passwords & Accounts

Exchange Image 2

3. Tap on your UW-Parkside email account, commonly named Exchange. 

Exchange Image > UW-Parkside Account

4. At the bottom, tap on Delete Account
Exchange Image  > Delete Account

5. You will be prompted to confirm the deletion. 
Exchange Image > confirm deletion

6. Wait for the deletion to complete. 
Exchange Image > deletion completed

When you are returned to the list of your accounts, you have successfully removed your Exchange account from your iOS device.

Steps for re-add: 

Upon successful deletion of your Exchange account, you will be returned to the list of your accounts. 

1. From this menu, select Add Account
Exchange Image

2. Tap Exchange
Exchange Image > Tap Exchange

3. Enter your full Parkside email address and password and then select Next.  When prompted, select Sign In

Keywordsexchange, outlook, ios, iphone, email, account, remove,   Doc ID106385
OwnerLinda W.GroupUW Parkside
Created2020-10-05 15:37:01Updated2020-10-06 08:27:53
SitesUW Parkside
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